Securing your dream logos, together

Meet buyers and learn from sales legends

Connect with decision makers at the biggest global brands

Uncover the largest opportunities
We’ve built relationships with some of the most well known companies from every industry and corner of the globe so you can close quickly and get back to building.

Get mentored by the most seasoned enterprise sales leaders

Refine your sales playbook with experts that built companies like Dropbox, Stripe, Wealthfront and Figma.
] Learn from the best

Come prepared to meet
any customer request

Take advantage of insights into what your customers care most about in negotiations and never again be surprised by last minute deployment requirements.
] Be ready for anything

Personalized introductions to buyers

Get in the door at companies with the most recognizable logos in your industry. Whether you’re building the next unicorn in manufacturing or financial services, we’ll find you the enterprise champions to power your growth.

Here are just a few of our friends:

Small group
learning sessions

Learn directly from enterprise software buyers about their current stack and what they’re in the market to purchase. We organize learning sessions with F2000 companies on emerging opportunities.

If you have a topic you’re passionate about, we’ll organize a session with buyers and market experts for you!

Enterprise sales workshops

Navigate any sale by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Our team helped build some of the most iconic companies in tech and our friends are hard at work building the next generation of unicorns.

We hold regular workshops and we’re available 24/7 to help you get any deal across the finish line.

New connections made everyday

Built with
by Basis Set's engineering
and data science team